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Life may be thwarted,
shadows darken the future,
yet the colors of life break through the gray
like a rainbow through the clouds
Life wants to be lived
Sometimes I should simply celebrate being alive.
Dear patients, dear relatives,
We want to open a space for and with people to share feelings, fears and hopes which they have here and now. Together we seek for resources of strength, for what is whole in life and what is needed to become whole again – sometimes, we just sit together and endure the silence.
Some patients can see their life stories or the current situation as a story with God, who is “there” and won’t abandon them. This certainty has a healing effect on them.
And for many people, it means a lot if they can feel God’s closeness even more tangibly: in prayer, at divine service, at communion or at extreme unction.
This is how we understand the meditation taught by Wolfgang Maly: along with all the medical help, it “tangibly” shows us God’s loving, strengthening care in the midst of illness and death.
What’s more, anyone who prays for someone else, anyone who is there for someone else with love and kindness activates energies of help and healing.
Rev. Bertold Bittger / St. Josef Hospital Bochum

These are the messages of joy, the rainbow which spans heaven and earth.
What happens if your heart isn’t in it?
Healing doesn’t happen with medication or meditation alone.
Healing requires cooperation between the body and the soul.
However, the soul requires regular nourishment. That’s why I have to let God in: uniting heaven and earth, time and eternity, and saying yes to them with gratitude.
Yes, the heart united with God sets forces free which carry us outside ourselves and give us healing power.“
Sister Solana, M.J. Posten,
Nursing Sister in the Steyler Mission
born 16.11.1939 died 09.06.2013